Friday, May 7, 2010

Etsy and Old Birds

I've decided to give Etsy another go, and I'll probably try Madeit (an Australian verson) as well, my current marketing plan involves getting my work seen in as many places as possible (is this targeted or scattergun marketing?). I've also worked out how to add the Etsy widget to this blog!
We've recently put up a bird feeder on the deck and had lots of visits from Galahs, Lorikeets and Cockatoos, including this one who seems to have escaped from a home for very senior birds, poor old fella, at least he had a good feed whilst he was here.

... here's his younger and better looking friend.


Marianne said...

I love the frilled lid pot!
About the galah - I thought at first the 2 photos were a 'before and after' it had sampled your hospitality! Could have been a good line in miracle bird food!

Alison Arnold said...

Ha ha or extreme makeovers for birds!

ang design said...

woohoo... oh well done on the getting work out there! he does look a bit rough poor bird..

Marianne said...

Sorry - cockatoo not galah - you can tell I'm from England!

savipajapeltoranta said...

very beautiful things over there.
greetings from Finland,
virve Räisälä

Alison Arnold said...

Hello Virve, thanks for looking and for your kind comments

Erin Harrald said...

Oh dear! That poor old bird! :) Good on you for getting more work on Etsy!